Lukáš Matejka — Object That Will Be Donated to the Nitra Gallery</strong>

Lukáš Matejka — Object That Will Be Donated to the Nitra Gallery

The artwork titled Object That Will Be Donated to the Nitra Gallery was exhibited at Nitra Gallery’s Youth Gallery in 2013 as a part of the In Process exhibition....

Mikyta Svätopluk — Definition II.

Mikyta Svätopluk — Definition II.

Svätopluk Mikyta works with classical visual techniques, such as drawing and graphics...

Marian Meško: Pavement — Softened

Marian Meško: Pavement — Softened

Marian Meško is a solitaire at the Slovak art scene, a painter with “focused and internal intensity”...

Igor Minárik — Teared

Igor Minárik — Teared

Igor Minárik is an important Slovak representative of analytical painting...

Juraj Meliš: Idea „B“

Juraj Meliš: Idea „B“

Due to the recent passing of Juraj Meliš we have decided to present the visitors of the Virtual Gallery with his work that is a part of the Nitra Gallery collection...

(SK) Monika Pascoe Mikyšková: Zo série Skrz na skrz

(SK) Monika Pascoe Mikyšková: Zo série Skrz na skrz

(SK) Autorka, v tejto sérii ako i vo väčšine svojej tvorby spracúva témy lásky, sklamania, zraniteľnosti, či rodiny a partnerských vzťahov.

J. Mitríková a D. Demjanovič: The Evacuation of Slovak Elites

J. Mitríková a D. Demjanovič: The Evacuation of Slovak Elites

The absurdity and ambivalence of this work are characteristic features of Jarmila Mitríková and Dávid Demjanovič’s output.

Juliana Mrvová: Les jardins recréés

Juliana Mrvová: Les jardins recréés

Juliana Mrvová’s oeuvre is known for her large-scale canvases painted with acrylics or ink; however, we can also find smaller drawings and works on paper among her works...

(SK) Miroslav Nicz: Mimo tela

(SK) Miroslav Nicz: Mimo tela

(SK) Miroslav Nicz patrí k dôležitým predstaviteľom generácie umelcov, ktorá vstúpila na výtvarnú scénu začiatkom 90. rokov 20. storočia poznačená vplyvom konceptuálneho umenia s ťažiskom záujmu o nové médiá. Napriek tomu, že študoval maľbu, veľmi skoro po roku 1989 sa vyprofiloval ako konceptuálny multimediálny umelec...

Edmund Massányi: Nitra Square

Edmund Massányi: Nitra Square

Massányi loved his hometown (Nitra) with its rich history, its significant viewpoints, corners, old crooked streets and history breathing buildings.