(SK) Ján Kekeli — Bez názvu

(SK) Ján Kekeli — Bez názvu

(SK) Ján Kekeli je fotograf, pracujúci na rozmedzí medzi princípmi dokumentárnej a výtvarnej fotografie...

Klaudia Kosziba — The Sweetest Summer & September

Klaudia Kosziba — The Sweetest Summer & September

The paintings titled depict nature in different ways as they were created ten years apart...

Marek Kvetan — Flashback

Marek Kvetan — Flashback

Marek Kvetan is a distinctive visual artist who works with different kinds of media and incorporates analytical thinking and post-conceptual tendencies...

Viera Kraicová — Assembly Crew

Viera Kraicová — Assembly Crew

The focal point of the image is a group of five abstractly formulated figures (assembly workers) performing their job at an assembly line...

Imrich Weiner-Kráľ — June (from the cycle The Wood)

Imrich Weiner-Kráľ — June (from the cycle The Wood)

Imrich Weiner-Kráľ is considered one of the most important representatives of the Slovak version of surrealism...

Juraj Kollár — The Landscape Tour

Juraj Kollár — The Landscape Tour

Juraj Kollár is one of the most distinctive young Slovak painters...

Rudolf Krivoš: MUSIC

Rudolf Krivoš: MUSIC

Rudolf Krivoš is one of the founding members of an important art group known as “Galandovci" or the "Mikuláš Galanda Group”

Otis Laubert: The Fireman

Otis Laubert: The Fireman

Otis Laubert belongs to the artists who can easily renew the banal everyday objects and things by joining together the seemingly unrelated elements and thus creating the artworks which can make us smile because of their original poetics, gentle humour and the shift of meaning into unexpected coherence.

(SK) Vladimír Kordoš: Madona s dieťaťom

(SK) Vladimír Kordoš: Madona s dieťaťom

(SK) Vladimír Kordoš patrí medzi výrazných umelcov, ktorý svoj umelecký program začal rozvíjať začiatkom 70. rokov 20. storočia. Vo svojej tvorbe sa dlhodobo zaoberá princípom citácie a interperácie, pričom sa ťažiskovo pohybuje v oblasti akčného umenia.

Jaroslav Košš: Junk DNA A+B

Jaroslav Košš: Junk DNA A+B

Jaroslav Košš’s oeuvre ranges from conceptual and action art to site-specific works, objects and installations. He uses ready-mades, assemblage, found and recycled materials, objects, parts of machines and employs these techniques to organically unite texts, sounds and images.

Lajos Luzsicza — Danube at Zebeg

Lajos Luzsicza — Danube at Zebeg

itra Gallery’s collection includes a work by an important broker/mediator of cultural relationships Lajos Luzsicza...