Exhibitions archive

Safe(ly) Hidden

Safe(ly) Hidden

How safe and hidden is the place where artists keep their sources of inspiration? And what is it that is safely hidden and which serves as the actual inspiration for the artist’s creative process?



Irony is a means of expression that enriches our everyday communication with various additional meanings. It gives our statements different connotations than...

Time of Servants

Time of Servants

The Time of Servants is a documentary introspective into the gallery’s acquisition history...

4 Ways of Nature

4 Ways of Nature

The exhibition is trying to answer this very question by presenting artworks by four young artists who focus on natural themes...

Palo Čejka — Beautiful Things

Palo Čejka — Beautiful Things

Come and take a look at the reverse side of beauty and realise it is even more beautiful!

The Net According to the Net

The Net According to the Net

In the beginning was the Net. The Net was with the Net and the Net was the Net.

Stories of (After) Life

Stories of (After) Life

The composition of the exhibition project titled Stories of (After) Life is a rather “surreal curatorial automatism” (if something like that is even allowed to exist in today’s world)...

Ema Lančaričová  — Noplace/Notime

Ema Lančaričová — Noplace/Notime

Ema Lančaričová’s photography exhibition focuses on the medium of photography from the point of view of its technological and functional properties...

David Přílučík: F0—F5

David Přílučík: F0—F5

In 1956, the chief of the Border Patrol's cynology department came up with an idea to crossbreed the Carpathian wolfs with German Shepherds in order to create a resilient service dog...

Object: The New Existence

Object: The New Existence

The exhibition titled Object: The New Existence is a collective effort of seven artists from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the United States...